The following Terms and Conditions are agreed to as a requirement of membership in the Krewe of Pontchartrain:
Before you can register to become a member and ride in the Krewe of Pontchartrain parade, you must read and agree to the terms below.
Krewe Terms
- I hereby agree to abide by the rules of the Club and all other regulations as set forth by the City of New Orleans. I also understand that failure to abide by these rules and regulations will result in my immediate removal as a member of the Club.
- I understand that my yearly dues are only applicable to the current year and are NOT TRANSFERRABLE and NOT REFUNDABLE.
- I understand that substitutions in membership participation in Club activities ARE NOT ALLOWED.
- I understand that the minimum age for membership in the Krewe and to ride on a Krewe float and participate in all Krewe events is 16 YEARS OLD.
- I understand that individuals under the age of 18 and and riding on a Krewe float as a Junior member must ride with a parent or legal guardian.
- I understand that all paraphernalia used in Club activities such as floats, safety ropes, props, etc. are property of the Club and are not to be abused in any way.
- I understand that if the Krewe of Pontchartrain parade is canceled due to inclement weather, any other Act of God, or by the decision of the City of New Orleans or the New Orleans Police Department, the City Charter will not allow the parade to be rescheduled and refunds will not be issued.
- I agree to receive emails and/or text messages from the Krewe.